Thursday, 17 June 2010

act it out community drama festival- 12th july -21st

press release

Better out than in! Local Drama festival aims to get local people healthier!
“Act it Out” Community Drama Festival – Monday 12th July to Wednesday 21st July

Produced by Dingle Community Theatre. Supported by Liverpool City Council, Grass Roots Innovators Programme.
Preparations are fully underway for the “Act it Out” Community Drama festival being held in the Liverpool 8 area this summer.
The festival, produced by Dingle Community Theatre, aims to show the health benefits offered by Drama by giving opportunities for people to take part in performance-related activities.
4 different strands of Dramatic activity will target all age groups.
*A Junior school play at St Finbars will focus on spiritual well-being performed by young people at the school.
*Perform L8 Youth Drama Group, based at the Kuumba Imani Millenium Centre, will move and act in a Drum-inspired performance looking at the poem “Limbo” by Kamau Brathwaite.
* Dingle Community Theatre Adult Group, who meet every Monday at the Casa Club n Hope Street, will perform their devised drama, with a health related theme.
* The “Slice of Health” script-writing competition, open to the public, will see the 3 winning writers’ short dramas performed by auditioned local actors.
A selection of work from each strand will be performed between July 12th and the 21st at the following venues: The Casa, Hope Street; Mt Carmel Catholic Social Club, High Park Street, L8; The Black-e Centre, Gt George’s Street; the Caribbean Centre, Amberley Street, L8; Joe H Makin Drama Centre, Pilgrim Street.
Full programme below. More details from 0771 684 8894 or
Mon 12th July – Casa, Hope St, 8pm

2 “slice of health” scripts writing competition scripts plus Dingle Community Theatre adult group devised Piece.

Tue 13th - Mt Carmel, High Park Street, L8, 8pm

2 “slice of health” scripts writing competition scripts plus Dingle Community Theatre adult group devised Piece.

Wed 14th July – Black-e Centre, Great George’s Street, 7pm

St Finbar’s junior school and Perform L8 youth group

Fri 16h July – Black-e Centre, Great George’s Street, 7pm

St Finbar’s junior school and Perform L8 youth group

Mon 19th – Caribbean Centre, Amberley Street, L8

Perform L8 Youth Group, Dingle Community Theatre Adult Group and 1 slice of health” script writing competition script

Tue 20th Joe H Makin Drama Centre, Pilgrim Street.7.30pm

2 “slice of health” scripts writing competition scripts plus Dingle Community Theatre adult group devised Piece.

Wed 21st – Joe H Makin Drama Centre, Pilgrim Street, 7.30pm

2 “slice of health” scripts writing competition scripts plus Dingle Community Theatre adult group devised Piece.
Supported by Liverpool City Council

picasso project with hope st ltd

In the summer, some dingle community theatre members will be taking part ina collaboration with the tate gallery and hope st ltd, with the inspiration being the picasso exhibition at the tate.

here are some of the images we looked at when we toured the tate

any ideas for drama?

picasso paintings

Thursday, 29 April 2010

writers wanted for slice of health writing comp

Healthy Appetite for Writing?

Opportunity for local writers in new writing competition, Dingle Community Theatre are looking for 3 short scripts for their Summer Community Drama festival, “Act it Out”, funded by NHS and Liverpool City Council’s under the Grassroots Innovators Arts Programme.

Writers who would like the chance of seeing their plays produced and performed – as well as picking up an £100 award for their efforts! – should submit short plays of approximately 30 minutes duration, with no more than three characters, two of which must be female.
The plays must connect in some way with the City Council’s current Year of Health and Well-being.
Interested budding playwrights should contact 0771 684 8894 or info@dinglecommunitytheatre for more details on how to submit their scripts.

directors wanted june to july

Directors wanted for Slice of Health plays, June to July, Dingle Community Theatre’s Summer “Act it Out” event
Variety of performance venues being considered, including the Joe Makin, the Casa, Mt Carmel, the Blackie.
Following the tradition of our group, to encourage new and local talent, we are asking for people to direct 3 chosen short plays, for our Summer event, the “Act it Out” drama event, funded by Liverpool City Council and the NHS.
The plays will be chosen by a panel, from our script competition entries.
We would like to appoint a director for each play. There is a small fee of £100 for each director, but we are hoping to attract either experienced directors who like the idea of working with us, or for a community event, or people who are inexperienced at directing but have always thought they would like to try their hand.
The plays are limited to a small number of actors and will be suitable for small venue performances.
Rehearsal space will be found for the plays and auditions publicised. Each director would be expected to attend the auditions and make casting decisions. They would also be expected to be prepared to take on the play the panel allotted them from within the plays chosen.
Anyone interested in putting themselves forward to direct one of the plays should contact us, with an a4 one side long letter, outlining their experience and why they think they could do the job…send to or post to Dingle Community Theatre, 31 Chetwynd Street, Liverpool L17 7AJ

mayday event at the Casa , monday may 10th

Monday, 5 April 2010

Drama workers wanted for 3 short-term, project-based posts for Dingle Community Theatre’s “Act It Out” Summer Event 2010, for the year of Health and Wellbeing.

Supported by Liverpool City Council Grass Roots Innovators programme, in conjunction with the NHS.
3 posts: Community Group project co-ordinator; Assistant for you Junior School project; Assistant for youth group project
Post descriptions below. Please email applications to or post to Dingle Community Theatre, c/o 31 Chetwynd Street, Liverpool L17 7AJ
Apply by letter, putting forward how you would approach the project, (no more than two sides of a4 plus CV)
All deadlines Monday 19th April
Post 1
Facilitator –community adult group performance… Summer 10 (May- July)… Dingle Community Theatre’s “Act It Out” Summer Event
Payment - £300 Deadline: Monday 19th April
Job Description/Duties (Monday evening,7pm – 9pm, May 17th to July 10)
The successful applicant will be expected to initiate and develop a short 30 minute approx., inclusive production with our established Community Adult Group, for performance at our Summer Drama festival in July.
Dingle Community Theatre Community Drama group meets every Monday evening at the Casa on Hope Street. The group is a good mix of experienced actors and new recruits and the facilitator will have support form the group and DCT as an organization.
The theme of this year’s festival is the Health and Wellbeing, to tie in with general City Council / NHS themed year.
We are looking for applicants with the following:
* a desire to run a community Drama event

* Commitment to and awareness of the importance of Diversity and equal opportunities in modern organisations.

This is an ideal post for someone to gain experience, so don’t be put off from applying. We are after commitment and ideas.

Post 2
Assistant drama facilitator required for School project during May -July 2010:

8 two hour sessions
Payment - £200 Deadline: Monday 19th April

Job Description/Duties
The successful applicant will be expected to :
*Assist the lead facilitator working with school children to produce a 30min drama to be performed in Theatre
*Work alongside the Lead Facilitator with the young people during weekly rehearsals (Dates and times to be arranged with school)
*Help out backstage, with the young people at the venues on performance nights.

*Work under the overall management of the Group’s Trustees and General Co-coordinator.

We are looking for applicants with the following:

*Enthusiasm and experience working with young people.
*Arts or Drama experience
*Some knowledge of sign language an advantage but not a necessity
The successful applicant must have a current CRB check and be willing to take out one with the group.

Post 3

–Assistant Youth Facilitator –… Summer 10 (May- July)…Part of Dingle Community Theatre’s Dramatic Connections in the Dingle Project
Payment - £200 Deadline: Monday 19th April
Assistant Facilitator - Perform L8 Youth Group Summer Project
Payment: £200.00
Job Description/Duties
The successful applicant will be expected to :
*Assist the lead facilitator working with Perform L8 Youth Group to produce 30 min piece.

*Work alongside the Lead Facilitator with the young people during weekly rehearsals (monday 4pm -6pm)

*Help out backstage, with the young people at the venues on performance nights.

*Work under the overall management of the Group’s Trustees and General Co-ordinator.
We are looking for applicants with the following:

*Enthusiasm and experience working with young people.

*Arts or Drama experience
The successful applicant must have a current CRB check and be willing to take out one with the group.

Dingle Community Theatre is a Registered Charity, (charity register no: 1098183)

specialising in Drama and Performance, operating from The Dingle Area of Liverpool.

More info can be obtained from or 0771 684 8894

Saturday, 6 March 2010

spring drama project

dingle community theatre spring drama project will commence this monday, 8th march, at the casa, hope st, 7.30pm
the project will end in 4 shortish performances of plays around the theme of May venue will be the casa but other venues may be sought out. . some of the performances will be scripted. people can send in scripts. a panel will chose those they think suit the group and the occasion best.
at least one piece (possibly more) will be devised during the monday night sessions.

jeni from lipa will lead this week's workshop. We intend to keep some of each session for skills if you're not interested in performing just workshopping please still come along
all welcome....we envisage parts enough for all to take part
a small charge will be collected each monday night to help with the cost of the hire of the casa (£2 waged £1 unwaged)
c u there if you're interested

Wednesday, 24 February 2010

we're workshops and project!

Dingle community theatre new project starts Monday at the casa 7.30PM

Flying high after our successful panto, the regular Monday night workshops are back this Monday coming, 1st march, at 7.30pm

A guest actor will be giving a one hour improvisation workshop. This will then be followed by a discussion run by the projects cttee, the point of which is to consult the group and ask for ideas for what you want to do for our next project.

The next project will probably end in a performance around May 1st.

So come along and have your say or just enjoy the workshop. All welcome.

Sunday, 14 February 2010

alice in dingleland

Our Panto has been a great success, with great local audiences and the two unity theatre performances sold out.  A big thanks to our sponsors, Riverside Housing, LCVS and Liverpool City Council, and well done to director Mikyla Durkin and all the team

More pics to follow.

Extraordinary General Meeting: Tuesday 16th March,

Dear Member,

Notice of an Extraordinary General Meeting: Tuesday 16th March, Charles Dickens Centre, Weller Way L8, 7.30pm

The Committee is recommending that Dingle Community Theatre becomes "a company limited by guarantee" under the Companies Act. This probably sounds complicated, and it does actually involve us in going through a few formal procedures - but as far as all our members are concerned, there will be no change whatsoever. The purpose of going through this is to put DCT on a more secure financial footing, and it is all explained in the attached document.

This refers to a new form of constitution, called "Memoranda and Articles of Association", which we have drafted with the help of people who know what they are doing. The Committee has been through this with a fine tooth comb and we can assure you that the differences between that and the old constitution are minor and are only there at all to conform with the law. Of course, copies will be available at the EGM and if you wish you can request one in advance which can be sent to you either by email or by post.

The EGM, which the Committee is calling with the necessary 21 days' notice, will consider only the following agenda items:

To approve Memoranda and Articles of Association for a new company to be known as "Dingle Community Theatre Ltd".

To authorise the Committee of the existing Dingle Community Theatre to register the new company at Companies House.

To prepare for the winding up at the next AGM of the existing Dingle Community Theatre and the transfer of assets to the new company.

Please see the attached document for a full explanation of this proposal.
Yours, Dingle Community Theatre Management Committee

Dingle Community Theatre is a registered Charity (Charity number: 1098183) specializing in Drama and Performance, operating from the Dingle and Toxteth Areas of Liverpool.

Dingle Community Theatre

The Committee are recommending that

DCT becomes a Company Limited by Guarantee…


• The Management Committee members (the “Trustees”) are responsible for all the debts of Dingle Community Theatre, and if anything went wrong with our finances,

the Trustees

would have to pay all these debts out of their own pockets.

Why would anyone want to be a Trustee

with that hanging over them?

• If we become a “Company Limited by Guarantee”,

our liability

- the amount we would have to pay if DCT ran into financial difficulties -

would be no more than £2 per member

– that is the “guarantee”, a limited liability.

• This stabilises the organisation and makes it secure.

“Dingle Community Theatre Ltd”

would have the same aims and rules as DCT

and would take on all its assets and liabilities.

How does this affect me as a member?

In short – not at all!

In theory you would be liable, as a member, to pay up to £2 to cover the debts of Dingle Community Theatre Ltd if it was ever wound up.

In practice, the first year of your subs (£2) will be used as a joining fee, and kept in a separate account, so you would never have to pay anything to cover the debts of the theatre company.

You have to be over 16 to be a member

- but if you are under 16, you can still participate in activities.

How do we become

a Company Limited by Guarantee?

The steps we have to take…

1. We have to draw up

“Memoranda and Articles of Association”

for the new “Dingle Community Theatre Ltd”

to replace the Constitution of DCT.

(This has already been done

with the help of experts at Liverpool CVS.)

2. At a meeting (to be held in March)

we have to decide whether to go ahead with this proposal

and get your agreement

to the new “Memoranda and Articles of Association”.

3. The Committee then have to register

“Dingle Community Theatre Ltd” at Companies House

before the AGM (in the Autumn)

- at a cost of £20.

4. At the AGM, with your agreement,

• we wind up “Dingle Community Theatre”,

and transfer all the money and assets

- and the debts and liabilities -

to “Dingle Community Theatre Ltd”.

• we elect the Trustees of the new limited company