Tuesday, 29 September 2009

Annual General Meeting of Dingle Community Theatre

don’t forget our AGM next Monday at the Casa (5th Oct, 7.30pm) This is a chance to look over the year’s work, and discuss what direction we’re going in. Membership is only £2 and gets you full voting rights.

During the Agm, Ronnie Edwards and Lesley Hendry will be giving a short illustrated presentation “Edinburgh fringe festival and how to get a play on”. Ronnie and Lesley took a play there last summer. We thought their experiences would be of interest to people who might fancy going there one day. Questions are possible at end. See you next Monday at the Casa

Saturday, 26 September 2009

panto director/organiser - applications welcome

Applications welcome – post of Community Panto Director/deviser - £500 - to lead and facilitate our Community Panto – proposed date Feb 2010

2 years ago we produced a very successful Community Panto in the Dingle, "Cinderella and her American Fella."

We want to do the same again in 2010 with a different panto, although keeping to the same style – a healthy respect for the traditional panto and plot but updating it with modern elements and giving it a local flavour. The panto would involve actors from our adult and youth groups, but would also give opportunities for local people to take part.

We’re looking for an imaginative, resourceful person to lead the project and direct the play.

The person would need to have a current CRB Clearance

They would be assisted by our youth group co-ordinator, our management and projects cttee.

We would be looking to start the project immediately upon appointing the person and are looking at dates in early February to hold the actual panto.

There will be a budget, but as is the way in Community Arts, it will be limited and thus key qualities in the successful applicant will be resourcefulness and imagination in running a show on a low budget. Experience in running Community Drama events is also a plus.

If you are interested, please apply outlining your ideas and what you consider your strengths. No more than two sides of a4 plus a CV.

Email to info@dinglecommunitytheatre.co.uk or post to The secretary, Dingle Community Theatre, 282 Beaufort St, L8 6UA

Deadline Wed 7th October

Panto Ho!

Dingle's Panto project for early 2010 is going ahead! Our management ctte met last wek and agreed to advertise for the post of organiser. We'll be looking for funding in the meantime but the group has committed itself to it so rehearsals will be starting soon.
We are very enthusiastic about making it even more of a success than our last very successful panto, "Cinderella and her American Fella". (see image)
There will be 4 performances at the beginning of 2010.
Watch this space for audition dates!